THALIA - Opportunities for Young Law Graduates Project 2021 - 2027
“Training for Young Law Graduates” Project
“THALIA 2021-2027” Programme
The Cyprus Bar Association (CBA), as the Beneficiary of the above Project, announces a Call for Applications for participation in the Project titled “Training for Young Law Graduates”, in the framework of the implementation of the “THALIA 2021-2027” Programme.
The aim of the Project is to create the right conditions that will facilitate the efforts of young law graduates to conduct the training provided for in the Advocates Law, with the ultimate goal of registering with the Advocates Register kept by the Supreme Court, as well as carry out their training in an effective manner.
The Project is open to young law graduates who hold a Trainee Advocate Registration Certificate, are up to 29 years of age on the start date of their training and are not in employment, education or training. The maximum duration of the training and the period of conduct must satisfy the minimum requirements laid down in the Advocates Law, as applicable. The relevant provisions are set forth in Article 4(e) of the Advocates Law (Cap. 2).
With regard to co-funded projects implemented by organisations outside the Central Government under the responsibility of the Ministry of Labour and Social Insurance in the framework of the “THALIA 2021-2027” Cohesion Policy programme, the Council of Ministers approved at its meeting of 20/12/2022, amongst others, the payment by businesses that are members of the CBA and the Cyprus Scientific and Technical Chamber of a training contribution for the young graduates training programme.
This decision was deemed necessary in view of the fact that the funding rate from the European Social Fund for the period 2021-2027 is 60% compared to 85% in the previous programming period, while the national contribution rate is relatively high (40% as against 15%). The Council of Ministers therefore decided that 10% of the training allowance for newly registered trainees starting their training on or after 01/01/2023 will be covered by beneficiary members (law firms).
Following a new proposal of the Minister of Labour and Social Insurance to the Council of Ministers, approved on 08/06/2023, this allowance is now fully covered by the State (€650). It is noted that paragraph (c) of the previous decision of the Council of Ministers in this regard (20/12/2022) has been abolished.
Further to the above decision, the three stakeholders - Ministry of Labour and Social Insurance, CBA and the Cyprus Scientific and Technical Chamber - held a meeting to discuss the need to better support young scientists who, through these trainings in their work environment, are called on to gain the experience necessary for their future steps. At the meeting, the parties were asked to decide to what extent the minimum amount of their own contribution could increase to reflect the particular circumstances of each sector.
As a result, the CBA Board decided that, in addition to the allowance of 650 euros covered by the co-funded Project, all firms that provide mentoring to trainees under the Project must pay them a monthly allowance of 100 euros (minus the deduction for the National Health Scheme - GESY).
It is noted that the above payment does not apply to the Attorney General’s Office.
Payments will be made at the end of each month in respect of the previous month, via bank transfer from the firm to the trainee. Thereafter, the instructor lawyer must submit the relevant receipt together with the monthly Work Registration Form of the trainee under his or her responsibility. The CBA will carry out checks in relation to the allowance paid by firms to trainees.
Trainee advocates participating in the Project will be insured by the CBA against employer's liability.
The allowance cannot be paid for a period exceeding the maximum duration of the training as prescribed in the Advocates Law.
To join the Project, interested persons must create an ACCOUNT as TRAINEES on the official website of the CBA and thereafter submit an APPLICATION to the CBA, attaching the required supporting documents, within 30 days from the start of their training, as explained in the manual below.
Upon reviewing the Application, the CBA will notify the applicant of its decision. Negative decisions will be fully reasoned. Applications that receive a positive evaluation will be included in the Project and applicants must comply with the obligations set out in their Guide.
The co-funded Project runs from January 2023 until the approved budget is exhausted and is open to eligible graduates whose training starts on or after 1 January 2023.
The Project may be terminated or its terms and conditions may be modified at any time, upon decision of the Minister of Labour and Social Insurance.
Further information can be obtained from the CBA website and the CBA’s Trainee Subsidy Department at 22711613, or by e-mail at
Contact numbers:
22711613: Aliki Avloniti
22873300, ext.7 Ira Demetriou