Τhe Disciplinary Board is composed of the Attorney General as Chairman, the elected President of the Bar Council and five elected advocates of not less than fifteen years of practice.

The Disciplinary Board exercises control and disciplinary jurisdiction over every advocate. All disciplinary matters of members of the Bar are within the exclusive jurisdiction of this Body.

Disciplinary offences:

If any advocate is convicted by any Court of any offence, which, in the opinion of the Disciplinary Board, involves moral turpitude, or if such advocate is, in the opinion of the Disciplinary Board, guilty of disgraceful, fraudulent or unprofessional conduct, the Disciplinary Board may:

  1. Order the name of the advocate to be struck off the Roll of advocates.
  2. Suspend the advocate from practicing for such period as the Disciplinary Board may think fit.
  3. Order the advocate to pay, by way of fine, any sum not exceeding one thousand pounds.
  4. Warn or reprimand the advocate.
  5. Make such order as to the payment of the costs of the proceedings before the Disciplinary Board as the Disciplinary Board may think fit.

The general principles, the conditions and rules of the professional conduct are laid down in the Rules of Conduct of the Legal Profession(of 2002) issued by the Cyprus Bar Council with the approval of the General Meeting of the Bar Association. These Regulations are based on the CCBE code of Conduct. They are binding to any advocate practicing Law in the Republic (nationals and non-nationals). According to the above-mentioned rules, the rules of professional ethics can be classified in the following four categories:

  1. Duties towards the State and the Society in general.
  2. Duties towards the Courts.
  3. Duties towards the advocate’s client.
  4. Duties towards the advocate’s colleagues and opponents.

The Chairman of the Disciplinary Board convenes all the meetings of the Board.

All the official records of the disciplinary proceedings are kept in the Attorney General’s office.

The complainant, the convicted advocate and the Attorney General have the right to appeal against the decision of the Disciplinary Board. The Supreme Court may review the whole case and either confirm the decision of the Disciplinary Board, or set it aside, or make such other order as it may think fit.